Family Counseling Center

Not every mother or father has enough experience to raise his or her children in the right way. This is why the Ministry of Health thought of handing the mothers a paper containing the dates of vaccinations and the types of food that the newborn child should gradually take according to his/her rate of growth in the first few months and in the first two years of his/her life.

But other than food and vaccination, there are many things that mothers know nothing about and doesn’t know who to ask about them; especially if the child has difficulties in sleeping, speaking, moving, or when he/she doesn’t want to move from the mother’s shoulder, or when the children hinders his/her mother's of father’s ability to perform her/his duties and tasks.


When the child grows up, there can be problems like hyper activity, difficulties with concentration, delayed speech or communication, disliking of education, tantrums, and disobedience. 


During adolescence, there can be obstacles that ruin the relationship between the parents and their children, which can be solved through consultation with people who are trustworthy and qualified to give professional opinion.


This is why we thought about a project of a Counseling Center that combines being a medical center for children and a counseling/training center for parents who need consultation or training on dealing with their children, so that they can remain friends as they grow up.

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