A training Center for Scouting Skills (encompasses a swimming pool)

Scouting camps help withDevelopment of physical, mental and health skills and capabilities. It also links the physical changes (of child and adolescent) with the stage’s requirements.Furthermore, it provides opportunities to practice special activities that challenges capabilities, discover hobbies, and fulfillmember’s needs, because they live out of the city in the desert or near the sea.

Camps are an opportunity for coexistence, participation, friendship, and guidance, resulting from friendliness and love. It is where the needs to personal relationships, friendships, and interaction within the scouts, are satisfied.As well as acquiring leadership and group-dynamic skills.

Scouting life encourages the individual hobbies and skills in order to develop afeeling of individual achievement forchildren and youth, in addition to sound thinking while solving problems.  Similarly, it provides the chance to acquire moral and social values through practice, in order to preserve the scouting spirit and the oath to serve the community in it, in addition to the desire of the pioneers to obtain medals.


(HHA – HaquaqHelmakAssociation which means Achieve Your Dream Association) has been able to design various scouting programs that corresponded to marginalized groups of children and youth, and there is still hope to provide an empty plot of land with a swimming pool and other programs in order to protect children and young people from social marginalization and drug addiction.

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